As solar power has rapidly gained popularity over the last few years, many companies have popped up in order to try and get in on some of the potential business. While there are plenty of reputable solar companies, there are also many businesses that are utilizing the increase in demand for profit without caring about customer satisfaction. Most solar brokers are the latter. With that being said, let’s dive into the differences between solar brokers and solar installation specialists.

What is a Solar Broker?

A solar broker is essentially a middleman whose job is to sell you products and services from solar contractors. In many cases, they are out-of-state sales organizations with no local presence in the market they are selling, in most cases far removed from Illinois. Solar brokers, in turn, partner with a local electrician or installer they’ll have perform the solar installations, and they may not make that very clear.

Solar brokers typically heavily market over the internet and do phone-based sales, in many cases without in-person consultations. Their typical model is to lean on social media, Google ads, or generic websites to capture the attention of those looking for a solar installer and then aggressively pitch solar over the telephone. This may not be so transparent.

What is a Solar Installation Specialist?

A solar installation specialist is just that, someone whose career is installing solar panels. This means that when you work with a solar installation specialist, you have someone who is experienced and dedicated to providing excellent products and services—because that is what their job depends on.

Solar Brokers vs. Solar Installation Specialists

While working with a solar broker may initially seem like a great way to get started with solar, it can actually lead to you having a very poor experience. Since the brokers are often out-of-state, they heavily rely on a local installer which may not have deep experience or may not be around long-term to support your system. Warranty claims or help with incentives could get complicated, so long term, you may get easily frustrated. In fact, once you’ve signed and paid, you often won’t hear from them again. With a significant investment such as this, it would be nice to know that the person you are working with will be looking out for your best interests. Unfortunately, that is not the case with most solar brokers. Not to mention, the solar broker isn’t working for free! With any product or service that has a middleman, you’re going to be paying more than you would if you went straight to the supplier.

When you choose to work with an Illinois-based solar installer like Tick Tock Energy, you will partner with a team of experienced and dedicated solar professionals who are working to make sure your solar installation project maximizes your ROI.

As your solar installation specialist, Tick Tock Energy wants you to love your solar panels! This is why we only install top-rated solar panels with excellent warranties and guaranteed performance. Unlike solar brokers, we will be here to answer any questions and provide any support that we can to help your solar panels continue to be a huge asset for your home, farm, or business.

Lastly, instead of paying more for a solar broker, you can make affordable payments with our solar financing. What’s more, our solar professionals are here to help you take advantage of federal, state, and local solar tax incentives to reduce the upfront cost of a solar energy system.

Learn More About Tick Tock Energy’s Solar Installation Specialists

Tick Tock Energy, founded in 2006, is committed to your long-term success. The founders grew up in downstate Illinois and are very familiar with the Illinois and Midwest market. We take time to do it right and are positioned to support your system into the future.

If you have been considering solar panels for your home, farm, or business in Illinois, contact us at Tick Tock Energy to learn more about why choosing a solar installation specialist is the right way to go!