Top-Rated Ground-Mounted Solar Panels Expertly Installed in Fairfield, IL

Are you fed up with the ever-increasing costs of electricity in Fairfield, Illinois? Have you always wanted to make the switch from traditional energy sources to solar power? If so, you have come to the right place! Tick Tock Energy has been a trusted solar panel contractor throughout the area since 2006. We offer a wide variety of comprehensive solar power solutions, including the popular ground-mounted solar panels.

Ground-Mounted Solar Panel Basics

While there are a variety of solar panel arrangements, ground-mounted solar panels are one of the most popular configurations. They are, as the name suggests, mounted on the ground and offer many benefits, including:


  • No Roof Construction− Ground-mounted solar panels are a great choice for our customers who do not want to have solar panels installed on their roofs.
  • Improved Energy Production– Most ground mounts are tilted at 30 degrees, whereas most roofs range from flat to 20 degrees or less. At latitude angles crossing the Midwest, a solar panel tilted at 30 degrees will yield greater energy production per year compared to the same panel mounted at a lower slope.
  • Improved Efficiency– The ground-mounted system’s open frame structure allows for better ventilation which improves electrical efficiency.
  • Lower Maintenance Costs– Maintaining ground-mounted solar panels is more affordable than other array configurations because they are more accessible and easier to service.
  • Lower Installation Costs– Since ground-mounted solar panels are easier and safer to install (compared to roof-mounted), it is an economical installation option.

While ground-mounted solar panels are one of the most common systems, they are only ideal for homes, farms, and businesses with ample ground space that is free of shade. Our team will work with you to determine the best type of solar panel system for your property and energy needs.

Learn More About Our Solar Panel Options

If you’re ready to learn more about our ground-mounted solar panels for your home, farm, or business in Fairfield, IL, contact us today!