Farm Solar Panels Available for Rural Properties in Princeton, IN

As the owner of a farm, homestead, or agribusiness, you’re likely aware that electricity costs can be quite burdensome. So, why not explore the possibility of reducing energy expenses by investing in farm solar panels? At Tick Tock Energy, we install both ground-mounted and roof-mounted solar panels for residents of Princeton, Indiana. Our team of experts will guide you in selecting the configuration that best suits your property.

Why Invest in Solar Power?

Becoming energy independent is not only gratifying but also comes with substantial financial advantages. By putting our farm solar panels to work for you, you gain enhanced energy self-sufficiency, cost savings, and a valuable financial asset that shields you from rising electricity prices over the long term.

Farm Solar Panels and More

We also offer a range of other solar solutions that have can potentially to contribute to lower energy costs, including:

  • Wind turbines
  • Skylights for machine sheds, barns, etc.
  • Power monitoring

By choosing us for farm solar panel installation, you can trust us to support and educate you throughout the entire project. We will provide valuable insights into available incentives and grants that may offset a portion of your installation expenses, including options like the USDA REAP Grant for Agricultural Producers. Additionally, we offer financing options with manageable monthly payments for qualifying customers, making solar panels more affordable for farmers.

Let’s Transform Your Farm into a Solar Farm

Our professionals will be happy to assist you in creating a custom installation plan for your Princeton, IN, farm. Reach out to Tick Tock Energy for more information regarding our farm solar panels or to schedule a consultation at a time most convenient for you.