Solar energy is often a hot topic of conversation. Is it worth it? How does it work? Can it be affordable? There are plenty of myths out there, so let us take a minute to bust a few:

Myth #1: Solar Panels Don’t Work Well in Cold or Cloudy Weather

You might think you need a constant UV index of 10 to gain significant energy from solar panels, but that’s not the case. The high-performing panels we install still capture solar energy on cloudy and rainy days. And, they’re designed to function well in cold climates, like ours in Illinois—in fact, excessive heat can sometimes even reduce their efficiency, which is why many of our customers opt for ground-mounted panels that offer extra ventilation.

Myth #2: Solar Panels Are Always Expensive

In fact, solar panels can be affordable for Illinois residents thanks to the Illinois Shines Solar Energy Renewable Credit, which will actually pay you to generate clean energy for the grid. As a solar owner, you also may be eligible for the 30% Solar Federal Tax Credit, a dollar-for-dollar reduction in tax liability thanks to your investment in solar panels!

Myth #3: Solar-Powered Homes Maintain Power During an Outage

Like homes that use traditional power sources, solar homes will also lose power during an outage. Solar systems are designed not to send electricity to the grid during an outage to protect utility workers. But there are solutions to this issue, such as the off-grid solar systems and emergency solar power backup systems that we at Tick Tock Energy install.

Contact Us

Ready to invest in solar panels for your Illinois home, business, or farm? Partner with us at Tick Tock Energy. We’re the only PEARL-certified company in the state, and we offer convenient financing options for those who qualify. Soon you’ll find yourself agreeing with our motto: Thumbs Up for Solar℠!